What is High Blood Pressure?
High blood pressure or Hypertension is a common condition in which the blood starts to flow at a higher force against the artery walls. If left undetected or untreated, Hypertension can be cause for various dangerous chronic diseases like Heart problems like Heart attacks. High blood pressure is called so when the blood pressure rate exceeds 140/90mmHg and is considered severe if it exceeds 180/120mmHg.

High blood pressure can be found and cured easily once we know the symptoms which occur during it. A few of the major symptoms are listed below-
Blurry/double vision
Frequent Fainting
Frequent Fatigue
Difficulty in breathing
Frequent Nausea.

CAUSES- Why does Hypertension happen?
A few of most major causes for High Blood pressure are mentioned below-
High Pitta
Excessive stress
Excessive smoking, drinking etc.
Low physical exercise
High salt intake
Late night snacking
Vata and Pitta imbalance.

YOGIC REMEDIES- How to cure Hypertension?
Instant remedies-
If one is suffering from Hypertension, the instant precaution or remedy that she/he can take are-
1.Having cold water  baths- Cold baths relax the body and controls the blood flow.
2.Having plain Lemon water- Lemon water instantly reacts to our brain and helps cure dizziness and fatigue.
3.Regular monitoring of Blood pressure- Regular monitoring helps us know the condition of our blood flow and helps us keep it balanced.
Yogic asanas
A few of the most effective and useful Yogic asanas for High B.P.  are mentioned below-
1. Savasana                                   2.Virbhadrasana
3. Bhujangasana                          
4. Shashankasana                          5.Bhardwajasana
6. Vajrasana   7..Omkar chanting
8. Anulom Vilom Pranayama        9.Chandrabhedipranayama 10.Brahmi Pranayama.

Ayurvedic Food Remedies-
Ayurvedic remedies might take time to get into effect, but they are very helpful to us and can help solve any problem, like hypertension. These include foods that help clear the bowel(stomach) and help carry out the smooth working of the intestines.A few ayurvedic food remedies for high b.p. are-
Homemade vegetarian food
Salads incorporating green leafy vegetables
Coconut water
Soaked Dry fruits like almonds and walnuts
Green tea
Fruits like Banana, Melon etc.
Using Garlic in daily food
Arjuna bark (Arjun tea)
Incorporation of foods like Amla(gooseberry), Chia seeds, Giloy
Hibiscus tea
Buttermilk(without salt)
Few Habits to avoid are-

A few ayurvedic food remedies for high b.p. are-
Homemade vegetarian food
Salads incorporating green leafy vegetables
Coconut water
Soaked Dry fruits like almonds and walnuts
Green tea
Fruits like Banana, Melon etc.
Using Garlic in daily food
Arjuna bark (Arjun tea)
Incorporation of foods like Amla(gooseberry), Chia seeds, Giloy
Hibiscus tea
Buttermilk(without salt)
Few Habits to avoid are-

Salt ,pickle , preservatives food  etc.

Yoga along with some rules and dietary precautions can do wonders to cure problems like Hypertension, If the regularity and discipline is maintained for doing these practices to cure High Blood Pressure….
Thank You


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