Yoga for Digestion Health and Food Tips – Improve Your Digestion with These Simple Tips!

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What’s the first thing that comes to mind when you think of yoga? If you’re like many people, it’s probably flexibility, poses, or detoxing. But you may be surprised to learn that there are plenty of other ways to use yoga to improve your digestion and overall health! Here are a few tips for using your yoga practice to help with digestion and overall health.

Why do we get bloated in the first place?
The food we eat, our physical activity level, the bacteria that reside in our gut, and even our genetics all affect how well the food moves through our GI tract. When it comes to digestion health, it’s important to consider what you eat as well as when you eat. Increase your fiber intake by adding more vegetables and fruit into your diet. This will make it easier for your body to digest more efficiently. Also, if you’re feeling bloated or experiencing any digestive issues, try doing a gentle yoga practice or meditation. You can also try drinking peppermint tea before meals to soothe the digestive system.

What can you do to relieve bloating?
If you’re suffering from digestive issues like gas, bloating, constipation or diarrhea, know that relief is possible. Start by going to the root of the problem to see what’s causing it. One of the most common causes of these uncomfortable indigestion , dullness, burps and irritation in upper GI track. Some people are able to get rid of their symptoms by changing their diet, but others need additional help. Yoga has been found to have a beneficial effect on digestion. It can also improve your mood and make you feel less bloated if done regularly. Yoga poses such as mountain pose (tadasana), shoulder stand (sarvangasana) and cobra pose (bhujangasana) ,pawanmuktasana, Nauka asana (boat pose) are excellent for improving stomach health because they give much-needed support to the abdominal organs. Yoga may be used as a effective healing treatment in cases where chronic digestive disorders. You should talk to your doctor before starting any new form of exercise. Remember to practice deep breathing during yoga for digestion. Try this routine:

  • 1. Mountain Pose (Tadasana)
  • 2. Thread the Needle Pose (Parsva Baddha Konasana)
  • 3 . Extended Side Angle Pose (Utthita Parsvakonasana)
  • 4 . Half Boat Pose Twist A and B Flow Seated Forward Bend Camel Push Ups Sun Salutations Yoga for Digestion:The Three Major Yogic Techniques
    In yoga for digestion one must first understand how the body works when digesting food. Yoga affects how food moves through the system by increasing our body awareness and stimulating our mind into focusing on something other than stress or anxiety. It decreases muscle tension which makes us feel more relaxed, open up blocked energy pathways in our bodies and increase circulation throughout the whole body including joints and internal organs which all helps with digestion.

How does your diet influence bloating?
A healthy diet can help prevent and treat bloats. Fresh produce is an excellent source of fiber, which will help food move smoothly through your intestines. Other ways to promote digestion health include limiting alcohol intake, eating smaller meals , staying hydrated, being mindful of how much you’re eating, chewing your food well, opting for low-fat dairy products instead of fatty ones such as butter or full-fat cheese, and reducing stress levels if possible.

at least Try to have less food like you feel 2 breads for meal so take only 1.5 bread , if you need more after finishing it , try to go for less so that stomach get space to move the digestive juices freely for better digestion. drink water after 45 mins of your meal , follow your thirst as per your prakriti and physical activity. be happy !!!

If you are experiencing a lot of gas, consider eliminating beans from your diet and incorporating healthier forms of protein . Always consult a doctor before making drastic changes to your diet in order to avoid getting sick. For those who eat gluten free, there are plenty of healthy and easy to cook recipes . As a bonus, many of these dishes also happen to be vegan friendly. try fennel seed after every meal it will improve bloating . Also don’t forget to exercise at least 3 times a week to stay fit.

Yoga is one of the best exercises for digestive wellness because it stretches out all parts of your body, including your abdomen, which helps promote good digestion . Here are some yoga poses to try: child’s pose, boat pose, cobra pose, downward facing dog pose, high lunge pose (pictured), locust pose, cobbler’s bridge pose. Try holding each of these poses for five breaths and repeating them three times during your workout session.

Ways to improve your gut and help fight bloat
Bloating occurs when your stomach swells up because of excessive gas or air. Generally, it happens when you’ve eaten too quickly, gorged on fatty or greasy foods, drank a lot of fluids (or alcohol), taken medicines that cause bloating or are allergic to certain foods.
Fennel tea is an excellent way to fight bloat due to its anti-spasmodic properties, which aids in relieving the pain caused by indigestion. You can make this drink yourself at home, or purchase a bottle from your local health food store. To prepare the drink, simply boil 1 teaspoon of fennel seeds in one cup of water for about 10 minutes. Add honey to taste if desired. Milk thistle is another herb that helps relieve digestive problems like constipation, heartburn and irritable bowel syndrome; it also helps improve liver function and removes toxins from the body.

For those who have digestive issues, these are the top foods you should be eating.
If you suffer from issues like acid reflux, heartburn, constipation, or diarrhea then there are ways you can help your digestion get back on track. Many people tend to resort to over-the-counter medications that may have unpleasant side effects or drug interactions but with a little bit of self-help and dedication, your digestion will be feeling better in no time. Try to have fennels, asafetida, ajwain, jeera in the food or infusion tea for better results. Fennel is an excellent stomach soother and carminative agent. It reduces gas production, intestinal cramping, bloating, hiccups and colic in infants. Asafoetida is an ingredient used extensively in Indian cooking. It has a spicy aroma which masks the odor of other foods and helps improve digestion by neutralizing acids formed during the digestive process which cause indigestion and gas pain. Ajwain aids in relieving dyspepsia, flatulence, and sluggishness due to its properties of improving gastric juices. Ajwain is also believed to be helpful for asthma symptoms because it helps dilate bronchial tubes when inhaled. The herb can also act as a natural decongestant and expectorant. Lastly, I recommend adding cumin seeds into your diet because they help regulate bile flow which prevents liver problems such as jaundice and gallstones.

Thanks for reading : Dr. Monika Bijaka Agrawal

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