Low Blood Pressure or Hypotension is a condition where the blood pressure falls below 90/60mmHg. Several symptoms of Hypotension are headache, chest pains, prolonged diarrhoea, vomiting and seizures. It is considered painful if it causes dizziness, excessive fatigue and fainting.

Causes of Hypotension
Low blood pressure can have many causes, however some of the most common causes can be nutritional deficiency or hormonal changes. It can also happen of our body lacks essential nutrients or if the nutritional content taken is not being properly utilised by our body. Hypotension can also happen during conditions like
Liver and heart related problems.

Precautions to be taken in daily life
Daily life precautions-
Hypotension can be cured by practising certain precautions, and by following some daily lifestyle alterations. Regular morning walk on wet green grass, cycling and walking for atleast 2-3km if followed regularly for about a week, can help us cure Hypotension.

Few ayurvedic practices also include improving Vyana Vata in the body and using the Nasya methods (Jalneti, ghrit neti) to improve metabolism.

Ayurvedic and Yogic methods
A balanced ayurvedic Diet and a few Yogic practices and asanas can help cure Hypotension quick. A light breakfast (fruits), a heavy lunch and a light hefty dinner is the way to a healthy ayurvedic balanced life.
Yogic and ayurvedic methods as eating foods like Beetroot, munakka ( dried red grape raisins), sugarcane, pomeogranate, aloevera, amla(gooseberry), green moong dals (lentils), soups and Ashvagandha (Indian Ginseng).

Yoga for Hypotension also includes Yogic asana practices

Recommended asanas are mentioned below-
Viprit Karni ( upside-down posture)- This posture improves the flow of blood towards the brain, thus alleviating dizziness and fatigue.
Matsyasana ( fish pose)- This ensures adequate flow of blood throughout the body, improving blood pressure.
Adho Mukh Svanasana ( Mountain pose)- This posture relaxes the brain and relieves the body of fatigue.
Pavanmuktasana– It enhances blood circulation and eases tension in the lower back.
Rabbit pose ( baby posture)- this posture relieves the body of stress and fatigue and calms the brain.
These Yoga practices also comprehend Pranayama and breathing practices mentioned below-
1.Kapalbhati kriya- Amends blood circulation and calms and uplifts the mind.
2. Bhastrika Pranayama- Helps regulate breathing and purify blood of toxins.
3. Suryabhedi Pranayama- Helps control the mind and regulate blood flow throughout the body.
Subtle breathing practices ensuring proper breathing, drinking plenty of water and staying away from alcohol and caffeine can also help control the blood flow.
Yoga is an ancient health and spiritual science that can cure any physical or mental problem, including Hypotension by following simple practices and home remedies that can be followed in daily life.

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